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Access Procedure Supply Data, Powered by PINC AI™ Applied Sciences

Drive insights into surgical patient outcomes with precise clarity of SKU-level supplies.

Realize Potential Cost Savings and Increased Efficiencies

PINC AI™ Applied Sciences is leading the way in procedural supply data with one of the most comprehensive databases of surgical SKU-level data and surgical timestamps linked to outcomes.

SKU-level Specific Data

Get detailed surgical supply utilization data that drives insights into surgical patient outcomes with precise clarity of device manufacturer items used in the operating room.

Breadth of Data

Access inpatient and outpatient procedural supply and outcomes data across more than two years cataloging more than 231,000 unique SKUs in nearly 4.3 million unique encounters across the U.S. national footprint.*

Enhanced Data Visibility

Connect patient outcomes with timestamps of operating room ‘wheels in’/’wheels out’ times and surgical start/stop times to prove cost savings and efficiency opportunities.

PINC AI™ SKU-level Data Insights Helping Support Medical Solution Development

The PINC AI™ Applied Sciences (PAS) team is helping life sciences and medical device organizations access one of the most comprehensive procedure supplies databases with supply data at the SKU-level linked at the patient and encounter level to clinical outcomes.

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Meet our experts and put our best-in-class, HIPAA-compliant database to work for you.

As your leading research and analytics partner, PINC AI™ Applied Sciences can help your organization improve the overall quality, safety and cost-effectiveness of care.