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Applied Sciences


Improvement Science

Improvement Science

The Improvement Science Team designs and conducts studies to improve patient care by gathering qualitative and quantitative insights, identifying enablers and barriers, and finding or creating interventions and resources to accelerate best practice adoption. The Improvement Science experts facilitate meaningful forums with health system professionals of all levels and specialties.

Meet The Team

Misty Anderson

Misty Anderson, M.B.A., B.S.N., R.N., LSSMBB

Principal, Improvement Science

Hesper Chan

Hesper Chan, B.S.

Manager, Improvement Science

Trisha Fritz

Trisha Fritz, B.F.A.

Senior Multimedia Designer

Michelle R. Mann

Michelle R. Mann, B.S.

Vice President, Business Operations and Decision Support

Erica Robichaud

Erica Robichaud, P.T., C.P.T., M.H.A.

Director, Improvement Science

Nicholas Travis Headshot

Nicholas Travis, MSN, BSN, RN, FNP-C

Manager, Content Generation

Jeff Vawter

Jeff Vawter, M.H.A.

Senior Director, Improvement Science


The Improvement Science Team has a wealth of insight into:

  • Educational content creation
  • Improvement Science
  • Lean Six Sigma
  • Measurement design
  • Nursing
  • Performance improvement
  • Quality assurance
  • Social and market research
  • Survey design, facilitation, and writing
  • System architecture
  • User experience assessment

Since 2016, we have studied topics such as:

  • Acute kidney injury
  • Atherosclerotic Cardiovascular Disease
  • Atrial fibrillation
  • Chronic lymphocytic leukemia
  • Chronic pain
  • COVID-19 outpatient pathways
  • Dementia/Alzheimer’s Disease
  • HER2+ Metastatic breast, ovarian, prostate, non-small cell and small cell lung cancers
  • Influenza vaccines
  • Meningococcal vaccines
  • Osteoarthritis
  • Rheumatoid arthritis

Areas of Specialty

Care Pathways

Based on guidelines and real-world practice

Creates a clear picture of end-to-end activities for care management

Outlines key stakeholders involved throughout the care continuum

Provides a standardized approach to care for providers and patients

Improvement Science Framework

Defines all details for implementation and execution

Serves as a historical reference of the project and deliverables

Serves as a “catalog” of resources and how to use them within a Framework intended to close gaps in care

Can provide a prospective way to map new resources to structural improvement areas

Custom Tools and Resources

Dependent on project needs.

Project Highlights

Rapid Diagnosis: The One-Stop Clinic Approach for Breast Cancer Care

The wait time between abnormal mammogram results and a definitive diagnosis causes significant patient anxiety and distress. Premier and St. Luke’s University Health Network partnered to understand approaches to help reduce diagnostic wait times and patient anxiety.

Site Readiness Framework for Alzheimer’s Disease

The Framework provides an overview of the Alzheimer’s Disease (AD) patient journey as well as strategies and tools to support the detection and management of patients with Mild Cognitive Impairment due to AD and mild AD.

Patient Journey Tools in Oncology

The objective of this project is to investigate guideline-concordant management of cancer types (non-small cell lunch cancer, small cell lung cancer, ovarian cancer, chronic lymphocytic leukemia and breast cancer) and approaches to driving improvements in patient care and quality of life.

View On-Demand Resources

From on-demand virtual events to white papers and toolkits, there's more to explore.

PINC AI™ Applied Sciences, AstraZeneca and Clinithink Win 2022 BWB Awards in Digital Medicine

PINC AI™ Applied Sciences, AstraZeneca and Clinithink Win 2022 BWB Awards in Digital Medicine

PINC AI™ Applied Sciences (PAS) and AstraZeneca, along with their partner Clinithink, have been chosen as the BWB Awards winner for innovative use of technology-enabled healthcare solutions in the Digital Medicine category.

Team Values Award

Team Values Award

Evaluating site readiness and early identification of patients for novel Alzheimer's Dementia treatments.

White Papers and Publications


A novel barrier control to protect healthcare workers from infection transmission and hazardous drug exposure when flushing toilets.

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Tool to Improve Osteoarthritis Care

Recent American College of Rheumatology guidelines emphasize functional improvement as part of osteoarthritis (OA) management. We developed and evaluated a tool to promote provider and patient engagement in functional goal setting in OA care.

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