Provider Practice Benchmarking
Margin Improvement

Provider Practice Benchmarking

Discover how health system and medical group leaders are optimizing their employed provider investment by minimizing variation in operational and financial performance compared to real-time benchmarks.


Health systems invest tens of millions of dollars annually supporting their employed providers within their medical groups, typically at an investment of ~$200K per provider FTE.

By partnering with Premier, see your margins improve in the employed medical group by minimizing variation in operations - powered by a comprehensive physician enterprise solution that integrates and surfaces your practice data into a single, automated platform.

Our goal is to help medical groups solve operational and financial challenges, especially given the state of financial pressures in healthcare today.

Provider Practice Benchmarking provides a comprehensive insight into the operational and financial performance of the medical group, by specialty, down to the individual provider level. With the data and analytics, you will be able to identify actionable performance gaps where you can:

  • Manage provider capacity and rationalize services to meet patient demand.
  • Optimize patient access and throughput.
  • Align support staffing models and skill mix to enhance the productivity of the physician practices.

Through an automated data intake process, Provider Practice Benchmarking collects, reconciles, processes and aggregates data from the source systems for over 60,000 providers across the U.S. each month. This allows members to benchmark their operational and financial performance in real time at the provider level against:

  • Internal health system peers.
  • External health system peers.
  • Performance targets.
  • Premier’s PINC AI™ Provider Practice benchmarks.
  • Client-provided survey benchmarks (e.g., MGMA, Sullivan Cotter, AMGA).

Reporting capabilities include individual provider reports vs. benchmarks, KPI dashboards, heatmaps to identify performance gaps, and more…

Medical group leaders need the ability to look at a variety of complex data points in a single, automated repository to quickly identify and quantify high-impact performance gaps among the providers within the medical group and track progress towards closing those gaps. They don't need more data - they need easy access to the right information.

Your physicians need clear, unbiased insights into their performance on a range of benchmarked indicators with the ability to drill down into variations in practice capacity, patient volumes, productivity and staffing ratios, revenue cycle performance, patient demographics, referral patterns, and overall compensation. You need a way to convey that story and have more meaningful conversations with those providers - with data.

Our industry experts will partner with you throughout your journey – both technically and strategically - to automate and schedule your data intake, maintain the data warehouse, and provide insights and guidance by helping you identify and prioritize opportunities.

Also, our team will provide a Rapid Assessment in seven focused areas of the medical group in parallel with the technology's implementation. In an accelerated 6-8 week timeframe, we will work with key stakeholders to understand various facets of the medical group and develop an operational assessment of the organization with insights into potential areas of opportunity. These insights allow speed-to-value so you can hit the ground running as soon as implementation is completed (approximately 90 days).

As a user of Provider Practice Benchmarking, you will automatically be added as a member of our prestigious benchmark collaborative. This interactive, member-led networking forum enables knowledge-sharing, innovation, leading practices and measurable improvements. Members of this forum tend to outperform the market and as a result, we are able to generate evidence-based thought leadership.

Provider Practice Benchmarking Overiew

Discover what makes PINC AI™ Provider Practice Benchmarking unique.

Access the Overview

Customer Story

Learn how ECU Health created a $10.5 million revenue enhancement by reducing variation in operational and financial performance.

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Understanding Retention and Turnover Trends in Medical Groups

Our latest study findings show over the past two years, one in every five providers in U.S. medical groups is new to their practice, highlighting a notable turnover rate affecting physicians and advanced practice providers.

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Get a firsthand look at how your medical group can reduce variation and improve operational and financial performance.